Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sofia's birthday party..over a month later

I guess I forgot to post her birthday party. Sorry. It was fun. It was hot. It was exhausting. I am glad we did it for her in the end.  Daphne Lafosse photographed the party and all of the pictures posted are hers. She is wonderful and very sweet. If you are looking for a photographer, check out her website.

Sofia dancing before the guests arrived.

Favors. The buckets held sidewalk chalk, punch balloon, bubbles, beach ball, and a sports water bottle.  Everything was from Micheal's but the punch balloon. I got them in a package from Target.

Food. We had  sammies from Costco. They were awesome! I pinned tulle around the table and added a trim to hide the pins.
I made the banner. It had a front and back. Both sides said the same thing.

I saw this idea somewhere and Pinned it. It now hangs on Sofia's bedroom door.

We had just finished taking pictures with the "ONE" when guest arrived. Sofia went down the walkway to meet them.

Sofia had an outfit change into an traditional ao dai to select her future.

Vietnamese and other Asian cultures have the child turning one select items that indicait what he/she will have a career in. Sofia picked the thermometer. She is going into the medical field.

I made her smash cake.

We tried to get her to eat some of the cake but she just wanted to play.

She was so messy Grandma was reluctant to hold her.

Cake for everyone. We got it from Costco. Friends said it was yummy.

The pull pinata I made.
It didn't work so well. I think I added too many layers. I had to dump out the contents. It was funny.
Sofia's Venezuelan friends, Landon and Nicolas. Well..half Venezuelan like her.

Kiley Y.

I still can't believe this many people were at the party.
Our family at ONE.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nap time drama

When we returned from vacation, Sofia's daycare teacher called and asked me to come in. I had left a couple of things and she wanted to give me the schedule for August. Sofia will be in new class and she knew I would want to try to adjust her nap schedule. Of course the very next day I attempt to put Sofia on a one time a day nap schedule. I tried everyday to give her only one nap. Most days, she and I cried. I vented to my dearest friends and sought advice. I tried and cried, tried and cried. I started to tell everyone that daycare would have to do it because I couldn't. Then today we had a breakthrough! She fell asleep shortly after the scheduled nap time and only woke up once. I know we may both be crying again tomorrow, but I will take this little victory.

P.S. She normally does not wear bows to bed.

Friday, July 22, 2011


This post is a little late but having Sofia full time has been a big adjustment. We took a wonderful trip to Minneapolis & Duluth a couple of weeks ago. My aunts, uncles and cousins live in Minnesota. It was Sofia's first time on an airplane. We were a bit worried about flying with her but she did great. The weather wasn't the cool sleep with your windows open I had hoped for but it was nice to get out of the heat. Of course, I took a gazillion photos and will leave you with just a few that capture the trip.

Getting ready to land!

Grass is different in MN.

Sofia and Aunt Kathy

Happy 4th of July. Sofia loved the flags. She kept pulling them out of the ground and "waving" them.

The stairs, Griffin, and spaghetti were a big hit.

Sofia and her Godfather, Peter.

Sofia and Queenie

We took a trip to Duluth and Two Harbors.

Betty's Pies (a must go to destination if you are near Two Harbors, MN)

Gooseberry Falls State Park. We had to park on the highway and walk in due to the state shutting down.

Then we headed back to Minneapolis.

We packed our bags and headed back to Texas.

At home Sofia found a pony her grandparents left for her.