This post is a little late but having Sofia full time has been a big adjustment. We took a wonderful trip to Minneapolis & Duluth a couple of weeks ago. My aunts, uncles and cousins live in Minnesota. It was Sofia's first time on an airplane. We were a bit worried about flying with her but she did great. The weather wasn't the cool sleep with your windows open I had hoped for but it was nice to get out of the heat. Of course, I took a gazillion photos and will leave you with just a few that capture the trip.
Getting ready to land!
Grass is different in MN.
Sofia and Aunt Kathy
Happy 4th of July. Sofia loved the flags. She kept pulling them out of the ground and "waving" them.
The stairs, Griffin, and spaghetti were a big hit.
Sofia and her Godfather, Peter.
Sofia and Queenie
We took a trip to Duluth and Two Harbors.
Betty's Pies (a must go to destination if you are near Two Harbors, MN)
Gooseberry Falls State Park. We had to park on the highway and walk in due to the state shutting down.
Then we headed back to Minneapolis.
We packed our bags and headed back to Texas.
At home Sofia found a pony her grandparents left for her.