I thought I would be spending this post telling and showing about a baby shower my friend, Crystal and I threw this weekend. Ahhh,all star theme, ball park food, nacho station...HOWEVER, Monday evening Sofia started wheezing. Sofia and I went to the doctor on Tuesday, we were given some meds, a nebulizing machine and made an appointment for Friday afternoon. Wednesday, a daycare teacher calls me to ask if I could bring some Baby Orajel for Sofia. She was fussy and they couldn't find it in the meds basket.I didn't leave any at school due to the fact her bottom teeth have broken through. It was after school hours so I rushed over there with a brief stop by CVS for the Baby Orajel. When I came in, Sofia was sitting on another teacher's lap in the rocker looking very pathetic. Gave her the meds, packed her up and brought her home. At home, I gave her Walgreen's version of Infant Tylenol. Everything was great!
Then Thursday morning, she had a fever. I struggled with whether or not I should take her to the doctor. It was ATMS writing at school that day and I had a small group I needed to take. It was decided I would call my dad, take a half day and get an afternoon appointment. My dad would stay with Sofia while I was at work. Thank goodness he is retired! Luckily when I got to work a co-worker told me she would take my group.
At the doctor, they took blood and confirmed she has a virus- bronchiolitis! I spent many hours tracking meds and breathing treatments. As of today she is better but still getting breathing treatments until we go back to the doctor on Friday.
Everything is finally better now that the virus has left our house
***Note added 1/20---I think the virus was hiding somewhere in the house. Christian isn't feeling very swift right now. He bough NyQuil on his way home from work. This could be the story of the rest of my life.
Look! No hands!
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