Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nap time drama

When we returned from vacation, Sofia's daycare teacher called and asked me to come in. I had left a couple of things and she wanted to give me the schedule for August. Sofia will be in new class and she knew I would want to try to adjust her nap schedule. Of course the very next day I attempt to put Sofia on a one time a day nap schedule. I tried everyday to give her only one nap. Most days, she and I cried. I vented to my dearest friends and sought advice. I tried and cried, tried and cried. I started to tell everyone that daycare would have to do it because I couldn't. Then today we had a breakthrough! She fell asleep shortly after the scheduled nap time and only woke up once. I know we may both be crying again tomorrow, but I will take this little victory.

P.S. She normally does not wear bows to bed.

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