Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mid-Birthday Month

It is a big birthday month around Schickland! Sofia turns 1, Chewy turns 12, and Christian turns one year older. It will be very busy around here for the next few weeks.
Last week we borrowed the Leap Frog Birthday Cake from Sofia's friend, C. Each day Christian and I spend singing Happy Birthday to Sofia and "blowing" out the candle. She just likes to dance while we sing.
Sofia has become quite the little climber. She can climb up the slide of C.'s playhouse. She also is very good at climbing on the top of things quickly. As seen by photo evidence A.


I was sorting clothes in her room, walked out for maybe 5 seconds to toss something in the laundry room. When I returned I found her like this. She stood there long enough for me to grab my camera and takes pictures. At one point I think she was redirecting me back to her clothes as seen in photo evidence B.


In other news, Chewy turns 12 on Sunday. This is not the day he was born. He was a stray kitty. This is the day Christian gave him to me. He is such a sweet boy. He has adjusted to well to life after Sofia.

Life before Sofia

Life after Sofia. My poor baby. He tolerates only so much before he glares at her, runs the other way or looks at me for help.

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